“Made me feel like my body is “mine” again.”

I reached out to Dr. Amy about PT a year and a half after my first child was born due to an annoyance that I've always been told was a "normal" part of motherhood--leakage (especially with exercise). Her approachability, kindness, and effective methods have taken me from embarrassed about my healing process (or lack thereof...), to empowered in understanding my pelvic floor, to literally wanting to shout on the rooftops "WHY HAS NO ONE TALKED ABOUT THIS BEFORE?!" She's even helped address some low back/hip issues that I didn't realize were connected to my pelvic floor. Her guidance has helped get my body back in working order and has given me the knowledge on how to exercise properly. I'm much more confident in my workouts! I honestly wasn't sure that my symptoms were severe enough to warrant PT, but I'm glad I didn't downplay what was going on--my treatments have made a big difference. I really think every mom deserves to have PT like this! The way Dr. Amy has taught me to understand and care for my body has made it feel like "mine" again. Highly recommend!!
Pelvic Prescription employee group photo plushies